Power up your business performance in 2022

Our 12 Deals of Christmas video animation provides a fun and festive reminder of the types of assets we can finance at Propel. However, there is one thing that our team takes very seriously indeed and that is providing the certainty of fast and flexible asset finance to our customers and partners.

While the days leading up to New Year’s Eve are often spent reflecting on the year gone by, many progressive businesses will also be making important decisions on their asset investment plans and their resolutions for growth this coming year.

2021 was a turbulent year for UK businesses; and Propel has stepped up to help support thousands of SMEs over the course of the pandemic. This is the time for businesses to build back better and stronger than ever before; and that means making key investments in equipment before they can embark on the next phase of their growth journey.

Looking closely at your business and growth goals helps to create a clear picture of your priorities and where you need to invest further in equipment, plant & machinery and vehicles to make these a reality. As the resolutions that you need to make around achieving your plans for increasing sales, boosting productivity and increasing efficiency become clear, so will your asset finance requirements.


Each new year brings a different set of challenges & opportunities, and 2022 will be no exception. Answering the key questions below will go some way towards a prosperous and productive New Year; and our team will be happy to help.

  • What gains in efficiency and business performance will require investment in new equipment?
  • Which assets should you invest in to futureproof your business?
  • What equipment and machinery will help you increase your productivity in the year ahead?
  • Does your fleet reflect the image your business wishes to present in 2022?
  • How should you finance these investments to secure your business future?
  • How can you unlock the capital tied up in your existing assets?

Digitisation is sparking a revolution in every asset class, from smarter machinery and equipment to vehicles. Innovations such as AI, 5G and the Internet of Things (IoT) will continue to shape the world in which we live and work, from retail to agriculture to manufacturing. The drive towards a greener future is changing the nature of vehicle fleets. In such a competitive environment, standing still simply isn’t a viable option and it’s vital that your business keeps moving forward.

So, now’s the time to make your plans count to help you ensure that the New Year brings you the growth you desire for your business. Speak to the experts at Propel, the Alternative SME Lender of the Year*, today to give your business the very best start for 2022.

*Credit Strategy Lending Awards 2021 – Alternative SME Lender Of The Year Winner

Keir Bradie

Head of Broker & Intermediaries


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